5 Laws of God

Many question the constitutionality of certain laws passed by their respective governments, even though these laws have been established as constitutional by the country`s highest courts, and they feel they are defying the law and not obeying it. The 10 commandments are at the heart of God`s law. They provide a fundamental and essential statement of God`s moral law, and other laws and the spirit of the law fit into this framework. The so-called “blue laws” that once protected people – or, depending on their point of view – prevented people from working day and night have disappeared from most developed countries. Undoubtedly, this has opened up many new opportunities for workers and the people they serve. But is it still something we should be a part of? If we shop late at night, play golf on Sunday mornings, or watch sporting events that last after midnight, do we consider how this can affect those who work at those times? Perhaps our actions will help create a job opportunity that would not otherwise exist. On the other hand, we can simply demand that someone work at a miserable time who would otherwise have worked at a favorable time. God gave the laws of the Bible for our good. Moses explained what God wants and why He gave His laws: “Keep the commandments of jehovah and His statutes, which I command you today for your good” (Deuteronomy 10:13). Do biblical laws apply today? Or did the Creator God erect them just to annihilate them all on the cross, but then promise their restoration during Christ`s millennial reign? But the 10 commandments were not the only laws of God, for other laws are mentioned before the delivery of the 10 commandments and the Old Covenant to Mount Sinai. While some laws span both the Old and New Covenants, others were specific to the Old Covenant, and each has a spiritual element.

Without going into the details of our conversation, today I would like to address the majesty of the law as far as humanity is concerned. For the purposes of this discussion, let us divide them into three subtitles: First, the laws of nature; second, the laws of man or the laws of the land; Third, God`s laws regarding our salvation and exaltation. According to the Hebrew Bible, Moses was the ruler of the first Israel of Egypt; and traditionally, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible are attributed to him, although most modern scholars believe that there were several authors. God gave civil authority to the governments of this world (Romans 13:1). In practice, this means that theft occurs in many forms, with the exception of a stolen person. Whenever we acquire something of value from its rightful owner without consent, we engage in theft. The misappropriation of resources or funds for personal use is theft. Using deception to make sales, gain market share or increase prices is theft because deception means that not everything the buyer accepts is the actual situation. (See the “Buffery/Exaggeration” section in Truth and Deception in www.theologyofwork.org for more information.) Similarly, profit by exploiting people`s fears, vulnerabilities, helplessness or despair is a form of theft because their consent is not really voluntary. Infringement of patents, copyrights and other laws protecting intellectual property is theft because it deprives the owner of the opportunity to profit from their creation under the conditions of civil law. We believe that the Gospel contains the laws of life that relate to our human relationships, to the moral and spiritual life— laws that are as valid in their sphere of action as the laws of nature in the world of natural phenomena. The first five books of the Bible are sometimes called the pentateuch, which means “five books.” They are also known as the books of the law because they contain the laws and instructions that the Lord gave to the people of Israel through Moses.
