15. Can a document be presented for registration in a private residence? Pursuant to section 31 of the Registration Act 1908, a provision has been issued allowing the registry administrator to participate, for a particular reason, in the domicile of any person who wishes to present a document for registration and accept such a document for registration, provided that the registry administrator is satisfied that the particular reason given is sufficient. A copy of an order or order may be submitted for registration within four months of the date on which the order or order was issued or, if it can be challenged, within four months of the date on which it becomes final. You can download the copy from the WB registration portal by following the procedure above. 1. You can have the said purchase contract sent by your lawyer to India with the signature of the promoter and then have your signature notarized by the official in charge of the local Indian consulate. They say this particular project is based in Kolkata, which means that the West Bengal Housing Industry Regulation Act, 2017 would apply to it. This particular act is the adaptation of RERA by West Bengal. Although there are some changes, it also requires the registration of such agreements.
* Find the nearest registrar: If you`re not sure which is the nearest registrar, you can search the portal. Scroll down and click on one of the available filters to search for the nearest desktop. You can search the registry office by police, traffic or municipality. 12. How long does it take to register a document? The Sir purchase contract is required in case of dispute, otherwise the verbal conditions agreed between you cannot be proven, so that all the conditions are met if a registered agreement is concluded and in case of failure of the manufacturer, it would be necessary for you to have an agreement to request a discharge. 13. A purchase contract was concluded on a stamp paper of Rs.10 /-. Is it a valid document in the eyes of the law? If the amount of stamp duty to be levied on the said contract of sale is more than Rs 10, the said contract of sale is not admissible as evidence under section 35 of the Indian Stamp Act 1899. Applicants can only pay stamp duty and registration fees for their transaction if the electronic certificate is approved.
For the electronic certificate, you must complete the electronic valuation form when submitting the application for property registration in West Bengal. To pay stamp duty and registration fees when purchasing a property, follow this procedure: any written and oral agreement is legally enforceable. Refusal of a document duly presented A document duly submitted for registration shall not be admitted for registration in the following circumstances:- (a) If the person empowered to perform does not appear within the prescribed time limit and accepts enforcement. (b) If the executor refuses to execute the will. (c) If the person whose act is supposed to be performed has died and his representative or mandatary refuses enforcement. d) If the person claiming to have executed the document appears to be a minor, idiot or crazy. (e) if the registry administrator is not convinced of the identity of the person appearing before him and claims to have issued the document. (f) if the registry administrator is not satisfied that the claim that a person who issued the document has died is true; (g) If the authority of the admissions officer has not been granted in accordance with the law or if an alleged representative or assignee has not demonstrated his or her status.
(h) if the registry administrator is not convinced of the fact of enforcement in the case of a will or power of attorney for adoption submitted after the death of the testator or donor. (i) If the prescribed tax or fine has not been paid. 2. Even if the apartment does not yet exist, the agreement becomes the charter of rights and obligations of the parties. 2. Definitely.; The Styamp tax payable for the registration of the purchase contract is compared to the stamp duty payable upon registration of your deed of sale. Although it is advisable to register the purchase contract to avoid future complications, it is not so important to have the agreement notarized. According to article 49 of the Registration Act is new and, for the first time, the equitable doctrine of partial enforcement is sanctioned by law. This section of the Act is widely recognised that a specific application for enforcement may be made on the basis of an unregistered contract of sale and may be admissible as evidence. The reservation in § 49, which was an unregistered document, could be obtained as evidence of a contract in an action for certain services. Stamp duty and registration duty in West Bengal. 16.
Under what circumstances can the registration of a document be refused? 17. What recourse has a person who wishes to register a rejected document? If the order dismissing the Deputy Registrar or the Additional District Sub-Registrar is based on a ground other than refusal of enforcement, the appeal is filed with the Registrar in accordance with section 72 of the Registration Act. In the event of such a refusal to admit a document for registration, any person wishing to register it must contact the registrar to whom this additional sub-registrar/sub-registrar is subordinate within 30 days of the date of the refusal in order to establish their right to register the document. In this case, the Registrar may, in accordance with section 74 of the Registration Act 1908, ask whether the document has been issued and whether the requirements of the currently applicable law have been met by the applicant or registrar. have been compiled by the person presenting the document for registration in order to allow the document to be saved. For the purposes of the investigation, the Registrar has the power to be summoned to appear to enforce the presence of witnesses and to compel them to testify as if he were a civilian court. If the Registrar determines that the document has been executed and that the application has been compiled with the Registrar, the Registrar may order the registration of the document. In accordance with article 77 of the Law, any person who lodges a claim on the basis of such a document, or his representative, assignee or representative, may, within thirty days of the issuance of such an order / decree, bring an action before the competent civil court for a decree ordering the registration of the act. Step 23: After execution, submit the e-Deed for presentation and generate the confirmation certificate as a token for a successful submission.
From now on, no modification of the deed of sale is allowed. A citizen can also determine the market value of a property in the state through the links provided on this website based on the category of the property – 1. www.wbregistration.gov.in/MV/MV_Land.aspx?type=L 2.www.wbregistration.gov.in/MV/MV_Land.aspx?type=LS 3. www.wbregistration.gov.in/mv_aprt.aspx but this market value is subject to verification/modification by the relevant registry administrator in accordance with the recital of the deed for the purpose of final registration of the document if the R.O. deems it correct. 7. What are the consequences of not registering a document subject to registration? Refusal to accept documents A document submitted for registration will not be accepted in the following circumstances:- a) If the document is written in a language that the registry administrator does not understand and that is not customary in the district, and it is not accompanied by an authentic translation or an authentic copy. (b) Does it contain uncertified line spacing, spaces, deletions or modifications that, in the opinion of the registry administrator, must be certified or recorded in a “kaifiyat” at the bottom of the document; (c) if the description of the immovable property is not sufficient to identify it or if it does not contain the necessary information.
(d) If the document is not accompanied by one or more copies of a map or plan containing it. (e) If the date of execution is not specified in the document or if the exact date cannot be determined. (f) If the document is submitted after the expiry of the prescribed period. (g) if the document is submitted to an incorrect office. (h) If the document is presented by a minor, an idiot or a madman, or by a person who has no authority. 21. What is the registration fee? Please click on the Stamp Duty/Registration Fee link to receive the relevant information. * Calculation of stamp duty and registration fees: You can also calculate the stamp duty and registration fees payable for different types of real estate transactions. Select the local location and enter the market value.
This option is available in the left column under “Calculator Section”. Step 15: If the electronic deed is approved, the applicant must pay stamp duty and registration fees. In this article, we will talk about the purchase contract and other relevant information regarding the purchase contract. .