If the supervisor`s decision immediately outside the scope is not satisfactory to the employee or union, the union may forward the complaint in writing to the next level of management within fourteen (14) calendar days with a copy to the Human Resources Department. This manager must discuss the complaint with the union representative and make a written decision within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. d) Local agreements for the performance of twelve shifts (12 hours) generally correspond, with amendments where appropriate, to the standard extended shift regulations described as follows: 1.20 “SAHO” means the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Inc. In the event that SAHO is no longer the designated employers` organization, references to “SAHO” in this collective agreement apply to the newly designated organization(s). (a) If the employer designates an employee who temporarily performs the duties of a higher-paying scope classification for a period of one (1) day or more, the employee will receive a bonus of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour or a higher amount that may be determined by the employer. LETTER OF AGREEMENT #20 SUBJECT: Conditions of Employment of Midwives Effective Date/Signature: November 20, 2016 The Parties agree that the Professional Classification of Midwives is recognized as a health profession under the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan (HSAS). The parties agree that the terms of the current collective agreement between HSAS and SAHO apply to the professional classification of midwives, with the exception of the following: 1. At the time of signature, employees working as midwives shall be credited with seniority in accordance with Article 10 of the Collective Agreement. Seniority is determined from the last date of recruitment in the midwifery classification or any other classification within the HSAS bargaining unit. The determination of the number of hours of seniority is determined on the basis of full-time hours equivalent to 1948.8 hours (i.e. a midwife who performs full-time work is credited with a maximum of 1948.8 hours of service per year of employment) 2. Midwives are on sick leave from the last date of recruitment they would have reached if all their time were covered by the collective agreement, less the sick leave taken during that period. According to this first determination of rights, Article 12 of the collective agreement applies.
3. The rights to leave for midwives shall remain in force for the midwife employed at the time of signature of this LETTER at their current rate of delimitation until an increase is justified in accordance with Article 13.07(c) and (d) of the Collective Agreement. For all new midwives recruited after the signing of this LOU, the leave shall be determined in accordance with Article 13.07 4. The employer and HSAS recognize the uniqueness of the services that midwives provide to their clients and the flexibility required to provide these services to their clients. In order to achieve this flexibility, the parties agree that the following provisions of the collective agreement do not apply to midwives: 9. For the purposes of interpreting and applying the provisions of the collective agreement to midwives: 6.1 Leave shall be granted in accordance with this memorandum and the participation agreement concluded between the participant and the employer. 11.3 No amendment to the scheme or participation agreement may be made which prejudges a preliminary ruling applicable before the amendment. All employees employed at the time of signing the collective agreement are entitled to this lump sum payment on the basis of all eligible hours with an employer that is involved in this collective agreement. Employees who have moved from one employer to another covered by the collective agreement apply the corresponding portion of the lump sum to their former employers. A deferred salary plan is a special measure to enhance the common goal of improving the retention and recruitment of professionals for Saskatchewan`s health care system.
HSAS has the right to request that the Saskatchewan Health Authority and its affiliates allow its interested HSAS employees to participate in the plan, with or without minor changes to the wording of the plan, as mutually agreed. In the absence of an out-of-court settlement on the wording of the plan, HSAS, the Saskatchewan Health Authority or their affiliates may seek a final and binding decision on the wording of the plan from a third party. If it is not possible to reach an agreement on the name of a third party, one of the parties may request the Minister of Labour to appoint him. The employer shall deduct the initiation fees, contributions and monthly contributions from the salary of each employee covered by this Agreement. Deductions must be made no later than the last payment period of each month and must be transferred to the HSAS office in the province within two (2) weeks of the deductions or on the 15th of the following month. The parties support the concept of an employee and family support program and recognize that if a program is to be implemented or modified, a joint consultation and agreement must take place between the employer and the union. The program must be voluntary and confidential, cannot be used as a disciplinary procedure and will be deployed outside the construction site. The program includes counselling services, including but not limited to: SAHO and employers recognize the union as the sole bargaining partner for all employees under this collective agreement.
(viii) The participation agreement is the agreement signed by the employer and the participant. (a) A permanent full-time or part-time worker may apply for a temporary reduction in his working hours for a period of up to one year, provided that he is not on probation, in court or in a temporary position. The application may be approved subject to operational considerations. An extension of up to an additional year may be granted. Other extensions may be granted by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer. The employee will resume his or her previous hours of work at the end of the approved period. A dismissed worker may be placed in a vacant situation by mutual agreement between the union and management. Employees who were previously covered by the HSAS/SAHO agreement or the PTA agreement and who receive a personal/educational allowance provided for in the agreement will continue to receive the remuneration provided for in their previous collective agreement. If the employer creates a new position that could reasonably fall within the scope of that bargaining unit, or if the employer makes changes to a job description that may affect the inclusion or exclusion of the position from the scope of this agreement, the employer will notify the union. Any employee who was employed after 1.
April 2013 and at the time of signing the collective agreement is unable to maintain employment and is not employed, is entitled to this lump sum based on earnings in the period from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015. are the subject of negotiations between the parties. If no agreement is reached, an arbitration hearing will be held to determine whether a new and unique occupational group/classification/position or reclassification of an existing occupational group/classification/position has been established to the most appropriate salary range. 6.2 By mutual agreement between the employer and the participant, the start of the leave may be postponed subject to the restrictions provided for in the agreement and the maximum permitted deferral period. 3. The hourly market adjustment rate shall be added to the maximum rate (level 5) of the collective agreement. Hourly rates for the first and second stages, etc., are calculated by maintaining the same percentage ratio between the first and second stages, and between the second and third stages, etc., as in the collective bargaining plan. If a classification receives a market supplement under the contract supplement agreement, the market adjustment is added after the market supplement. Retroactive payment will be made within ninety (90) days of signing the collective agreement and will be issued as a separate cheque. (d) If deviations from posted and confirmed schedules are due to changes initiated by employees, or if there is a mutual agreement with the employee(s) and supervisor, such changes are not subject to overtime provisions, unless the overtime was paid independently of the change. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the normal annual hours of work for full-time employees are 1948.8 hours and the provisions of Section 15.01 (Normal Hours of Work) and other related provisions apply, including Section 15.04 (Overtime and Premium Rates).
The Parties may, from time to time, meet at the provincial or local level to negotiate changes in the organization of working time or to confirm the extension of such changes. In addition to the amendments for which provisions are made herein, the parties may make changes that modify certain aspects of the administration of this Agreement as long as no employee is required to work more full-time hours, on average over a reasonable period not exceeding six (6) months. If a supervisor or designated employer does not respond within the prescribed time frame, the union has the right to take the next step. The above deadlines may be extended by mutual agreement. All employees covered by this Agreement who have worked as permanent employees for at least ten (10) consecutive years or who have qualified as “full-time casual workers” in accordance with the Full-Time Casual Worker Benefits Agreement and at least thirty (30) days of sick leave credit after termination of employment at the Regina District Board of Health, except by dismissal, will be assigned to their normal rate of pay of fifty (50%) percent of all accrued sick days that the employee may have in their account or seventy-eight (78) days, whichever is lower (i.e.).